A Day in La Clase de Arte

Children’s Art is one of our programs that operates almost entirely off of in-kind donations. To date in the art program, we have not spent a dime for any of our classes. Each week, Taylor and I spend time researching traditional and popular forms of art from various countries; we then take these projects and themes and adapt them into something we can do with what we have: a finite art supply shelf and the short attention span of 5-10 year olds.

We chose to start this quarter by working our way through different countries in Asia. At the beginning of each week I start getting the question, “Profe, qué vamos a hacer en la clase de arte?”, but our eager students never get the answer they want…Taylor and I usually claim that haven’t the slightest idea or turn the question around on them and so they continue asking us and every other profe in the vicinity. Each class starts with a slideshow about the country we are studying, which often contains more pictures than facts – appealing to that attention span! – but it’s always fun to hear pronounce the names of the capitals, cities, and buildings, try to claim they can read Hindi, hear them repeat facts back to us, and see the information they retain. After explaining the Chinese calendar and animal for each year, we figured out who was born under which animal; Matias was so excited to find out  that he was born in  the year of the dog and continues to include drawings of dogs in every other art project thus far, continually reminding us that he was born “en el día del perro” – close enough!

This past week guest profe Charlie and I mixed things up a bit and got the kids out of the classroom and doing a project that for once they couldn’t take home. The country of the week was India, and I had previously asked help from a friend in the states, Dolly, whose family is from India. After struggling to narrow down the incredible and extensive list of cultural traditions and ideas she gave me, we decided to focus on the Peacock – a sacred bird in Indian culture – and traditional chalk drawings. Despite the typical rainy season schedule that called for rain at 3-4 in the afternoon, the day was perfect for an outside art project.  Some kids used designs and peacock pictures I had printed out, but most of them just went at it…working together and using their hands, elbows, and feet to mix colors and color our sidewalk nothing short of awesome. Profe Heather came out to take pictures and Profe Rachel took her turn to join in on the fun shortly after.

After class I came back upstairs and immediately told Heather that we have to add sidewalk chalk to the online wish list. If our students had half as much fun as I did, we might be out there everyday!

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About cnicolehamilton

I am a recent graduate (English Major) of Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. I was born and raised in Memphis, but after 4 great years, Nashville has kind of become home. I love to read and write and proofread -- guess I picked the right major. I also love being outside, whether its on bike or foot, playing frisbee, soccer, or any other sport, taking pictures or walks, making food or crafts, and a million other interests. I am preparing to embark on what might be the biggest adventure of my life so far as I take off for 13-months in Ecuador to work with a nonprofit, Manna Project International. I got to spend this past year interning for and volunteering with a local nonprofit, The Contributor, and discovered a passion for this line of work, particularly those efforts that combat poverty and all that entails. So here I go. Leaving boxes for my parents, clothes for my sisters, and this blog for everyone who cares to follow!

One response »

  1. I can’t imagine how bad those kids would’ve schooled me at sidewalk chalking… not one of my fortes. Fun nonetheless. I hope you guys played hopskotch….


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